
1.4 Processor Fundamental

1.4.1 CPU architecture


Bus width: determines the no. of bits that can be simultaneously transferred [1]

Greater bus width, significant increase in the number of directly addressed memory locations [1]

Clock speed: (MHz/GHz) the no. of cycles that are performed by the CPU per second. [1]

Faster clock speed means more operations executed per unit of time [1]
however faster clock speed causes processor to heat up [1]

Clock tick = Clock cycle

Clock rate: (MHz/GHz) the speed at which a micro-processor execute instructions


Abbr. Full Name Function
MAR Memory address register stores the address of location for read/write operation
MDR Memory data register stores the data involved in read/write operation
PC Program counter contains the location of the instruction that is to be executed next.
ACC Accumulator (single general-purpose register) stores the result of arithmetic and logic operations performed by the processor
CIR Current instruction register holds the instruction that is to be executed
SR Status Register interpreted as independent bits; Each bit is set depending on an event

Explain what is meant by register

s18 11 Q8 [2]


s18 11 Q8 [2]


| Abbr. | Full Name | Function | |:——|:————————–|:———————————————| | ALU | Arithmetic and Logic Unit | Performs arithmetic and logical operations | | CU | Control Unit | send and receive signals; control operations |

Benefits of using USB [2]

1.4.2 The fetch-execute cycle

Fetch-execute (FE) cycle

  1. MAR <- [ PC ]
  2. PC <- PC + 1
  3. [ MDR ] <- [ [ MAR ] ]
  4. [ CIR ] <- [ MDR ]

How special purpose register are used in the fetch stage of fetch-execute cycle

s16 11 Q3 [4]

  1. PC holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched
  2. The address in the PC is copied to the MAR
  3. PC is incremented
  4. The instruction is copied to MDR from the address held in MAR
  5. The instruction from MDR copied to the CIR
The purpose of the double brackets, e.g. [ [ MAR ] ]

The content of the address pointed by MAR is transferred to the MDR

How to read content

  1. MAR -> address
  2. Read signal is sent by processor to memory
  3. content -> MDR

How to write content

  1. content -> MDR
  2. address -> MAR
  3. Write signal sent by processor to memory
  4. Content is changed


w18 13 Q6 [2]

How fetch-execute cycle handles an interrupt

s16 11 [4] At the end of the cycle for the current instruction the processor checks if there is an interrupt.
If the interrupt flag is set, the register contents are saved,
the address of the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) is loaded to the Program Counter (PC)
and when the ISR completes, the processor restores the register contents.

1.4.3 The processor’s instruction set

show understanding that the set of instructions are grouped into instructions for:

Relative addressing: The offset is added to the base address to give the actual address
Indexed addressing: The content of the Index register is added to operand to give the actual address

1.4.4 Assembly Language

macro (subroutine): contains a sequence of instructions that can be used more than once in a program
directives: an instruction that tells the assembler to do something

Two-pass assembler

1st Pass

  1. Data items are converted into their binary equivalent
  2. Any directives are acted upon
  3. Any symbolic address are added to the symbolic address table

2nd Pass

  1. Forward references are resolved
  2. Any symbolic address is replaced by an absolute address

How the assembler made entries to the symbol table

w17 13 Q4 [3]