
Table of contents

3.1.1 User-defined data types

Why user-defined types are necessary

w19 33 Q5 [2]

Define composite data type

s18 33 Q2 [1]

Define non-composite data type

s18 33 Q2 [1]

3.1.2 File organisation and access

Benefits of using serial file organization

s15 31 Q3.b.ii [2]

How to add record with random organization files

s15 33 Q4.b.ii [3]

  1. StationID is hashed to produce home location
  2. If home location is free, record inserted
  3. Else overflow method used to find free location

3.1.3 Real numbers and normalised floating-point representation

Overflow and underflow

w19 33 Q1 [2]

Why 0.1+0.2 in floating-point representation is not precise

w15 32 Q1.c [3] w15 31 Q1.c [3]

Sample Questions: Why OUTPUT (0.1 + 0.2) gives 0.30000000000000001; Why 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 0.29999999

Effects of the number of bits on range and precision

s18 33 Q1 [2]

component effect
mantissa precision
exponent range