
Table of contents

Quantum Physics

State what is meant by work function energy [2]

m20 42 Q10

State what is meant by the threshold frequency [2]

What is meant by the de Broglie wavelength [2]

State the de Broglie relation [2]

State what is meant by a photon [3]

Write all the 3 points.

Describe an experiment to demonstrate the wave nature of electrons [5]

State experimental observations that support the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation [3]

w20 42 Q11 [2]
s17 42 Q10 [2]
s19 42 Q11 [3]

Explain how the line spectrum of hydrogen provides evidence for the existence of discrete electron energy levels in atoms. [3]

Explain why threshold frequency and short emission time provide evidence for the particulate nature of e.m. radiation, as opposed to wave theory [4]

Write all the 5 points.

Describe the appearance of a visible line emission spectrum [2]

w18 42 Q11

Use band theory to explain why the resistance of semiconductor decreases as temperature increases [4]

w19 42 Q10 [4]
s19 42 Q7 [5]

Write all of them.

Use band theory to explain why the resistance of copper wire increases as temperature increases [4]

s20 42 Q11 [4]
m18 42 Q11 [4]

Use concept of to explain the existence of the dark lines in emission spectrum of cool gas incident with white light [4]

s20 43 Q10

Why a continuous distribution of wavelengths in emission spectrum [3]

w20 Q7 [3]


Why narrow peaks of increased intensity at certain wavelengths in emission spectrum [3]

w20 Q7 [3]

Describe the appearance of the spectrum of the absorption

Explain how the energy band is produced

Why LDR’s resistance decreases as light intensity increases

Nuclear Physics


Describe the photoelectric effect [2]

s18 42 Q10

State what is meant by the binding energy of a nucleus [2]

Why binding energy per nucleon of U-235 is smaller than that of La-139 [3]

s17 42 Q12

State what is meant by nuclear fission [2]

State what is meant by nuclear fusion [1]

What is meant by random decay [1]

w19 42 Q12

What is meant by spontaneous and random in decay [2]

s20 43 Q12



What is meant by radioactive decay [2]

s18 42 Q10 [2]
w17 42 Q12 [2]

Define the decay constant of a radioactive isotope [2]

w19 42 Q12

Define radioactive half-life [2]

Calculating binding energy [4]

s19 42 Q12 [4]

Why actual activity not the same with calculated [2]

s20 43 Q12 [2]

Why kinetic energy of product is less than total energy released [2]

s19 42 Q12 [2]

Po -> Pb + He
KE of He not eq to energy equivalent to mass defect.

Why a nucleus of helium-4 does not spontaneously break down to become nuclei of hydrogen [2]

s20 42 Q12


What is meant by mass defect of a nucleus [2]

s20 42 Q12

Ideal Gases

State what is meant by an ideal gas [2]

If [3], write also:

r.m.s. equation [4]

s20 42 Q2

p = (1/3)ρ<c²>

Explain how terms are derived:

What is meant by symbol <c²> [2]

State the meaning of the symbol <c²> [1]

State two conditions for pV=constant × T to be valid [2]

State Avogadro’s constant [2]

State what is meant by a mole [2]

How molecular movement causes the pressure exerted by a gas [3]

m20 42 Q2

State the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases [4]

Hint: sphere, volume, random motion, inter-collision, inter-force

Thermal Physics

What is meant by internal energy of a system [2]

Why absolute scale of temperature differs from other temperature scales [1]

What is meant by absolute zero of temperature [1]

What is meant by specific latent heat [3]

Define specific latent heat [2]

m17 42 Q2 [2]

Define specific latent heat of fusion [2]

w18 42 Q2

Why melting requires energy but there is no change in temperature [3]

s18 42 Q1

Two processes for which thermal energy is required during boiling [2]

The first law of thermodynamics [3]

m17 42 Q2 [2]

△U = q + W

Observations that show why temperature does not measure the amount of heat [4]